A fun little survey.. I’m bored~

Yep.. I’m bored.  I have laundry piled up the whazoo.. (whatever a whazoo is) and no water~  yep, no water.  They are fixing broken pipes in our neighborhood today.. so they shut it off.  That was my plan for the day.. laundry, and now.. I’m sitting on my butt!  So, I found this on someone’s blog.. and decided to do it.. at least its a post for the day, huh??

1. What kind of soap is in your bathtub right now?    Dial.. its all we use around here.
2. Do you have any watermelon in your refrigerator?  Nope.. Toooo expensive right now

3. What would you change about your living room?   umm.. the layout, the amount of space.. and especially the location.. my living room looks out on the backyard!

4. Are the dishes in your dishwasher clean or dirty?  Dirty, but no water!
5. What is in your fridge? Lots of leftovers.. need to finish those up
6. White or wheat bread? Wheat.. much to the dismay of my family!
7. What is on top of your refrigerator? Baskets, a coffee can (Decoration) probably a lot of dust!
8. What color or design is on your shower curtain? Its plaid, cream, sage and lavendar
9. How many plants are in your home?  a couple..
10. Is your bed made right now? NOPE, I stripped the bed to do laundry.. again.. no water!!

11. Comet or Soft Scrub? Comet
12. Is your closet organized? YES!! It has to be.. hubs and I share one!
13. Can you describe your flashlight? Huh?  Its black.. it lights up when you push a button.. is that descriptive enough???

14. Do you drink out of glass or plastic more at home?  Probably plastic.. I drink out of a huge mug, that monitors my water intake!  Kids use plastic.. I do have some cool jelly jar type glasses though!
15. Do you have iced tea made in a pitcher right now? Nope.. I like Iced Tea in the summer..
16. If you have garage, is it cluttered? Um, yep.. its our storage area here
17. Curtains or blinds? I have both
18. How many pillows do you sleep with? Just one, but it has to be extra firm
19. Do you sleep with any lights on at night?No way.. I like it DARK in my room

20. How often do you vacuum? Every day.. have you seen my dogs???
21. Standard toothbrush or electric? regular

22. What color is your toothbrush? green
23. Do you have welcome mat on your front porch? no, I do have a woven rug though
24. What is in your oven right now? air, and the oven racks!
25. Is there anything under your bed? Storage containers
26. Chore you hate the most? Folding laundry..
27. What retro items are in your home? Not much retro… I like antiques or vintage
28. Do you have separate room you use an an office? I wish!!
29. How many mirrors are in your home? 5
30. Do you have any hidden emergency money around your home? Well, no..
31. What color are your walls? Cream.. I live in Military housing!

32. What does your home smell like right now? Coffee.. and a cinnamon candle
33. Favorite candle scent? Home Sweet Home by Yankee Candle, or sage and cinnamon

34. What kind of pickles are in your refrigerator right now? Dill spears and sandwich pickles
35. Ever been on your roof? NO…
36. Do you own a stereo? Yep
37. How many TV’s do you have? 5, that’s bad.. only 4 people live here!
38. How many phones? 2 in home, 2 cell phones
39. Do you have a housekeeper? That would be me..
40. What style do you decorate in? hmm.. used to be country.. but now its kind of a mix.. don’t really know what style
41. Do you like solid colors in furniture or prints? I like both!  I have solid!


Well, that’s it.. try it if you like.. it wastes a few minutes in your day~!!

  Happy Tuesday!


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6 responses to “A fun little survey.. I’m bored~

  1. I always find it interesting to read about other people’s preferences and decor choices!!

    We have cold rainy weather all this week – too cold for iced tea!

    When I read “what do you have in your home that is retro?” My first thought was – ME – I am so old I’m retro!

  2. Oy who knew water was one of life’s necessities (LOL).

  3. Tam

    OK this was very funny….sorry about the water

  4. Hi, I just saw your comment on a blog and saw that you had lived here in Port Orchard! Hopefully one in the same in Washington??? I live in PO and would love to visit…
    Donna Lynn

  5. Gina

    This was fun to read and I might do it soon. I take having water for granted. Thanks for the reminder to appreciate it. 🙂

  6. I enjoyed reading your list of “stuff”. I HATE folding laundry too, and making the bed, so we have two things in common.

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